Use SODA™ for constructive feedback






It is challenging to give critical feedback.  We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings nor do we want to be unkind.  However, if we don’t give constructive feedback people may be unaware of what they need to change to improve their performance.


By using SODA we are stating facts and not labeling or being judgmental. In this way we can provide constructive feedback in a supportive manner.

Below are some examples of how to use SODA and also some examples of what SODA is not.

Specific – Be specific about the behaviors or actions that you want to see changed.

  •   “Tim, you have been 15 minutes late for the past 3 staff meetings.”
  • Not: “You are always late for staff meetings”.
  • Not:  “You need to do a better job of time management”.  (It is not clear from this feedback what Tim needs to change.)

Objective – Identify measurable, observable behaviors and actions

  •  “Tim, you have been 15 minutes late for the past 3 staff meetings.”  is not subjective nor based upon my interpretation.
  • Not : labeling as in  “Tim you are so unorganized that you can never get to meetings on time.”  
  • Not: judgmental or subjective as in “Tim it is rude that you arrive late to meetings.”

Descriptive – Describe the impact of the behavior. 

  • “Tim you are a valued contributor and when you arrive 15 minutes late we spend time reviewing what you missed and that is not a productive use of the team's time.”

Actionable – State what outcome you want to see. 

  •  “We need you to arrive on time to the staff meetings.”